4 Most Usual misconception about WordPress
Misconception #1: WordPress is Only for Blogging
This is the most common misconception, as WordPress is initially, used as the pure blogging platform, but as the trends and functionality changes, it is now become one of the most powerful Content Management System (CMS). WordPress is now capable enough t deal with any kind of Website and Website needs. The only thing that can be your concern is to choose best WordPress Developers to build your website. Right now, WordPress is also like 1 of the trend setter, in Website design and development.
Misconception #2: WordPress lacks in Offering Quality Support
Another very incorrect misconception about WordPress, is that as it is an Open Source Platform, it does not offer quality support, as we say it is an unfortunate misconception, while with the best WordPress Developers, and other experts and everyday users can give you full support online. For a reference you can visit WordPress.org forums to get the best online support.
Misconception 3: WordPress is not suitable for Ecommerce
Earlier, Drupal is dominating the eCommerce website development. But now, with the help of vast variety of plug-ins, now WordPress is holding the same position as any other eCommerce website development platform. Rather we say that WordPress is way ahead than any other platform, as every platform has some limitation, but WordPress plug-ins can help you customize your ecommerce website even better.
Misconception 4: WordPress lacks Security
We know that security is always the primary concern, no matter what platform you are using to develop your website. And is it also a reviewed truth that WordPress is facing more hack attacks than any other platform, as it is used widely. And it is obvious the Platform with large interaction, is more vulnerable to attack, but does not at all means that WordPress is not secure. You will get the best security that any website development platform can offer you, but the demand is, that you have to follow the security protocols.
As these are most common misconception, that hinders many business owners to get benefit from the features and functionality of WordPress. So, we hope that, this helps you to clear your doubts, and for the best services hire WordPress Developers, to make most out of Developing Business Website in WordPress Platform.
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